VET samstarfsverkefni Tékklands og Íslands

Borgarholtsskóli tekur þátt í VET samstarfsverkefni með tækni- og viðskiptaskóla í Bruntál Tékklandi. Nánari upplýsingar um verkefnið má sjá hér fyrir neðan.

Borgarholtsskóli participates in EEA Grants on the project Czech-Icelandic VET Partnership

Our project called Czech-Icelandic VET Partnership which started in August 2021 will implement activities (foreign mobilities) for students and school employees to improve their knowledge, skills and competences in personal and professional life. The project´s partnership consists of Borgarholtsskóli and Secondary Industrial School and Business Academy from the Czech Republic.

The basic idea of the project is to get to know other school of the same type and focus and to establish long-term VET partnership. Both the Secondary Industrial School and Business Academy (Project Promoter) and the Borgarholtsskóli (Project Partner) educate students in the field of “Automotive”.

We are going to implementing foreign mobilities (study visit & job shadowing and student mobility), one in the Czech Republic and one in Iceland. The target group consists of 5 students and 3 employees from each secondary school.

The project also will help strengthen bilateral relations between partners as well as raise awareness of EEA grants in both partner countries. The 13-month Czech-Icelandic VET Partnership Project benefits from a € 34.530.

The project is funded by Iceland, Liechtenstein and Norway through the EEA Grants funding program. More about EEA Grants at, including information about currently available funding.

Samstarfsskóli Borgarholtsskóla í Bruntál, Tékkland.
Mynd frá skipulagsfundi verkefnisins þann 11. janúar 2022.